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Networks in GCC countries

Nada Almutawa
04/08/2012 12:00 AM


Networks in  GCC countries

Dr.Nada Al Mutawa –center of strategic studies –kuwait university

The founding charter of the GCC commits the member countries to achieve coordination ,integration , and interdependence in order to achieve unity between them  identified areas are economic ,financial , commerce customs education and culture ,The most significant transformation is taking place in the area of female economic and political reforms , including education and liberation all this has a massive influence on all areas of society of which the most notable in the influence it is having on the role of women in society .(


 Although in the GCC ,Gulf Cooperation Council were social structures are vital for political and economic empowerment , not only emerging  networks are important but also researchers believe that the lack of these networks is regarded  a major barrier against women’s success . Jamali(2009) .

Some of these networks  attract promising women recruits  , others  enhance business opportunities for women , other types are connective which  offer work life balance seminars ,developmental and  mentoring and business development and strategic such as business networks . Donnellon .A and Langowitz.N(2009)

Using networking to enhance women empowerment, international organizations

 have encouraged women  in the GCC join  networking

programs . (MENA- OECD march 2010)

 Looking deeper into women  networks characteristics , Researchers support the idea of the importance of entrepreneurial ,educational and political networks in developing countries and  consider the absence of networks as  a major barrier that women entrepreneurs face. knouse&Webb (2001), Stevenson (2000) .